Deteriorated Old Sump Pump
This old Sump Pump was completely unserviceable. Note the water staining on the floor due to water intrusion during heavy rains.

Brand New Sump Pump (Super Sump Kit & Zoller Pump)
Our experts worked hard to replace the old rusted sump pump with a Super Sump Kit that will be a more efficient and reliable pump for years. This Super Sump Kit contains a heavy duty liner bucket, which last a lifetime and reduces silt build up. Inside contains a heavy duty cast iron Zoller pump and pump stand. The closed lid protects against humidity from wicking back into basement, radon and other gases as well as an easy opening for service. All our pumps come with our Water Watch Alarm that alerts our customers of any leaks, power failures and any pump failures.

Partial Basement Dirt Floor
This partial dirt floor in the basement allows water and moisture into the space causing mold, mildew and a damp feel to the basement, not to mention gases from the earth such as radon causing an unhealthy basement.

No More Exposed Basement Dirt Floor
To correct the exposed earth we installed heavy duty drainage mat and 20 Mil Clean Space liner over the dirt. All seams are sealed and liner is mechanically fastened to wall and pillars. This makes the space suitable for storage without any worries of damaging the liner or moisture building up in the basement.

Rim Joist Insulation, Basement Door Entrance
When a customer complains about cold spots in the house, we find that insulating the basement floor rim joists with spray foam helps seal the house from unwanted air from the outside environment.

Basement Walls With FOMAX Rigid Board Insulation
To solve the problem of cold floors we insulated the basement walls with FOMAX rigid board insulation. This product is designed to be left exposed, is fire rated stops moisture from migrating through porous block walls and has high insulation values. The boards are white on one side with a reflective coating on the other.

Improperly Ventilated Bathroom Fan
This bathroom fan is improperly installed with no duct work leading outside to protect the attic from mold and rot.

Properly Ventilated Bathroom Fan & Attic Sealant (ZypFoam)
By sealing the attic floors with the orange sealant called ZypFoam and connecting the bathroom fan to the correct duct work, moisture can now be vented correctly to an outside vent.

Old Attic Fiberglass Insulation With Years Of Moisture Build Up
Looking in the attic we see old insulation and moisture that has stained the fiberglass insulation.

Exposed Joist Bays, Sealed Attic, & Old Fiberglass Insulation Removed
We now expose the joist bays by removing the old fiberglass insulation and sealing each open seam with orange ZypFoam.

Building Attic Dams & Sealing Attic
In order to keep the insulation in place we build dams along the attic floors. Any flooring or storage spaces we block off each cavity or empty joist bay with foam to seal it in place with ZypFoam.

Blowing TruSoft Insulation Underneath Storage Deck
The sealed joist bay is now cut into as a hose is placed inside the sealed area blowing insulation called TruSoft (made from cellulose), underneath the storage deck.

Attic Joist Bays Being Insulated With TruSoft Insulation
The attic is sealed and ready for some fresh new insulation by TruSoft, a Cellulose product that is environmentally safe and is rated better than old fiberglass insulation.

Spraying TruSoft Insulation Evenly In The ATTIC
Our experts are spraying an even coat of TruSoft insulation so homeowners can rest at easy with a comfortable house environment.

Finished Attic Insulation With Storage Deck Sealed & Dam
The results show a nice evenly distributed insulation with proper dams to keep the insulation where it belongs. We can also see the orange ZypFoam that was used to seal the storage decks seams. The TrueSoft insulation that was sprayed underneath the storage deck will help insulate the house and keep a comfortable house environment.

Side Attic Sealed And Insulated Results
Finished results of the side attic insulated and sealed.

Insulated And Sealed Corner Attic
Showing the finished results of the corner part of the attic, notice the Dam is properly holding the TruSoft Cellulose insulation in place.

Sealed Hatch Cover And Sealed Storage Deck
This attic is now properly sealed and insulated. To help keep the attic insulated we seal a Hatch Cover over the entrance to the attic.